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faq jobseeker
What is SkillJobs Job Portal?
SkillJobs is an exclusive Job Portal developed and managed by Department of Training, Government of Kerala, India for facilitating employment opportunities for Skilled Professionals and skilled workers. Under the Department of Training, over 20,000 skilled technicians are passing out from various Government and Private ITIs from across state. They are talented and acquires high skillsets during their courses. All the ITIs and ITCs are equipped with facilities and teaching aids to make the certificate holders confident in the industry related to their trades.
This Job Portal 'SkillJobs' will enable them to register and update their resumes and to be visible for the prospective employers all over the world. The Job seekers can register free of charges in the portal and update their resume as soon as they gain experience and new skill sets. They will get job alerts and emails when a prospective employer shows interest or when the resumes matches their requirements.
The employers from all over the world can also request to register in the portal and to opt for a plan that is suitable for them to access the database. The registered employers can opt from the plans with a nominal fees fixed by the Department of Training. Employers can then search and access the database and download the Resumes.
- How can I (a Job Seeker) register with Skill Jobs Job Portal?
To register with Skill Jobs Job Portal, click on the 'Job Seeker' link in the Home page. In the 'Login' page opened, click on the 'Register' button in the 'Register Now' section. Alternatively, the 'Register Now' link can be taken from the Job Seekers section at the bottom of the page. On clicking the link, 'Create Your Account' page will open. Fill up the Email id, Password , Personal Details and Resume details. To register with the job portal, an Email account is mandatory. The login details, notifications and alerts will be sent to the given email id. It is possible to upload a Resume also. After filling dtails in the fields,click on the 'Continue' button. An Account will be created for the Job Seeker and email will be sent to the given id with the Login credentials. Infact the Regsitration process has 4 pages to collect all the relevant details of the Job seeker. Other details like educational details, job preferences, experience details etc can be added in the subsequent pages.
- How to add details to the Job Seeker Profile?
Once completing the first step of the Regsitration, the user will be taken to the Registration Second page. There it is possible to enter the details of Educational Qualifications, Certified Courses, Workshops/Seminars etc. The details of ITI/ITC courses can be added in the page. After filling up and Saving the details, the user will be taken to the Registration Third page. There the user can enter his/her Preferences,Experience and Professional details. After filling up and saving the details, the user will be taken to the Fourth page. There the Contact Address details, Language Proficiency details, Work Authentication and Personal Description can be added. There will be option to upload the Photo also. The different details can be updated using the 'Edit Resume' link in 'My Account' page.
Completion of Resume is highly recommended since a complete & updated resume increases your chances of getting the correct job offers from our reputed Employers.
- How can I log in again?
To login anytime with Skill Jobs Portal, click on the 'Job Seeker' link in the Home page. Alternatively, click on the 'Login' link under the Job Seekers section at the bottom of the page. In the 'Login' page opened, enter the Email and Password details and click on the 'Submit' button. After logging in to the account, the "My Account" page of the user will open. In the page it is possible to edit and update the different details. There will be a 'Resume Preview' link also where the Resume preview can be seen and edited.
- What to do if I forget my Login Password?
In the Login page, there is a 'Forgot Password' link. On clicking the link,there will be a field to submit the Email id used for logging into the system. An email will be sent to the given email id with the new Password.You can then login using the new password. Once logged in, the account password can be changed using the 'Change Password' link given towards the right of the My Account page.
- How to change the Account password ?
In the My Account page ,there will be a 'Change Password' link towards the top right of the page. Enter the old password , new password and confirm the new password. On clicking the Save button,the password will be changed.
- What all can a Registered Job Seeker do in the site?
After searching for Jobs, a registered Job Seeker can Apply for a job or Save a job for future reference. In the My Account page of the Job Seeker, there will be Saved Jobs section and Applied Jobs section to view the Saved and Applied Jobs respectively.
- How to Search for a Job?
The different Search options available in the site are 'Advanced Job Search, Jobs by Category, Jobs by Industry and Jobs by Employer'.
Advanced Job Search form can be taken by selecting the Search Jobs>>Advanced Job Search menu. After filling the different criteria, click on the Submit button. The Jobs satisfying the given criteria will display. 'Jobs by Category' search can be done in the Search Jobs>>Jobs by Category page. 'Jobs by Industry' search can be done in the Search Jobs >> Jobs by Industry page. 'Jobs by Employer' search can be done in the Search Jobs>> Jobs by Employer page.
- How to Apply for a Job?
After finding an appropriate Job, you can apply for it by clicking on the Apply button in the Job Details page. The applied jobs are listed in Applied Jobs section in My Account page of Job Seeker.
- What happens to the Resume posted?
After posting the Resume, it will go to the Resume database of SkillJobs Job Portal where the SkillJobs team will review the resume and consider it for suitable jobs. The resumes will be given to the registered Employers who have been verfified and approved by the Department of Industrial Training .These Employers will contact the suitable candidates.
- What are the "Settings" in the Job Portal?
The Job Seeker can set the Skill Jobs Notifications using the Settings menu in My Account page. Email intimation when a matching job is posted can be set using the 'Receive matching jobs on your email' option. Email updates from the site can be set using the 'Email updates from skill jobs' option. After selecting the relevant checkboxes and on clicking the Save button, the Job Seeker will get email intimations at the applicable instances.
- Is it possible to get Job Alerts for a Job Seeker?
Yes, a Job Seeker can get intimations when a new job matching his preferences is posted in the site. For this, click on the Settings menu in the My Account page.Select the "Receive matching jobs on your email " checkbox in the page and click Save button.
- What to do if I do not want my resume to be considered for Job Opportunities?
If a Job Seeker wishes to hide his resume for a time period,click on the Settings menu in the My Account page. In the 'Hide Resume till' field, select the day,month and year and click on the Save button. After doing this, the Employers will not have access to the particular resume for the selected time frame.
Skill Jobs Services to Employers
Employers interested in recruiting ITI certificate holders can register on this portal.
Registration start from 17 May, 2012
Job Seekers can register on this portal from 17 May, 2012.